Unsettled (2021) Season 1
Unsettled, is a fish-out-of-water drama series about a family in the midst of an identity crisis trying to navigate the complex realities of living on a reserve at the dawn of a new political era.
Creators, Writers, Directors, Executive Producers: Jennifer Podemski (Redcloud Studios Inc.) and Derek Diorio (Distinct Features Inc.)
Producer: Geoff Ewart
Executive Producers: Janice Dawe and Kathy Avrich–Johnson
Starring: Cheri Maracle, Brandon Oaks, Tamara Podemski, Pam Mathews, Wesley French, Lawrence Bayne, Mitchell Loon (North Bay local), Albert Owl (Ojibway language speaker).
Recurring: Michaella Shannon, Tashena Sarazin, Glen Gould, Joshua Odjick, Lisa Cromarty, Migwan Buswa, Sid Bobb, Pheonix Wilson, Stephanie Aubertin, Willow Podemski-Bedard, Michael Podemski-Bedard.
Composer: Adrian Sutherland (of the acclaimed Midnight Shine) Cinematographer: Clement Lush